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mama fitness

Personal training for mums

Fit & healthy as a (working) mum

Fitness training, healthy nutrition and mindset coaching for mothers

Fitnesstrainerin mit Baby

Are you a busy mom who wants to get back in shape

after having a baby?


Do you want to feel slim, strong and healthy again?

Do you wish you had more energy and fitness for your everyday life, but struggle to find time for yourself?

Are you looking for an easy fitness routine that fits

with your family and job?

If this sounds like you, then you're in the right place!

Welcome to Busy and Fit 

designed especially for amazing moms who juggle lots of tasks every day and often forget to take care of themselves.

Hi, I am Lisa.

As a self-employed mother, I know how precious time is and how challenging it can be to balance family, work and fitness.

Before the birth of our child, I maintained an extensive healthy lifestyle with a morning routine, long workout sessions and cooking sessions.


When our little one came into the world, I had to fundamentally reorganize. Even though motherhood fulfills me greatly, it was essential for me to continue to stay fit and healthy, as it gives me so much energy, well-being and balance.

At the beginning was a big challenge, but I found new opportunities my packed daily schedule. Since then, I have felt stronger and healthier than ever before.

I am convinced that you can achieve these successes too.

I support you in staying fit, healthy and balanced despite the demands of motherhood and work.

You deserve it! And your family benefits from it too, because when you're doing well, you can take care for your family even better.

"Happy mum - happy family"

  • Instagram

You take care of your family.

I take care of your fitness and health. 

Mama fitness offers

individual training which fits to your daily life

Whether you're a mom of a newborn or already back in the workforce, I'll be there for you in

every phase of your motherhood journey.

Together, we'll get you in shape – both physically and mentally. 

I offer two options of support: 

"Mama gets fit"

Your 1:1 Personal Training for mothers

and mindset coaching

Personal Training für Mütter


* become fit and strong

* achieve your fitness body and feel comfortable

* stay committed and achieve success

* train effectively and integrate into your daily life

* have a healthy, easy-to-implement fitness routine

Your support:

* Effective workouts tailored to your mom life

* Personalized workout plans and videos

* Building helpful fitness routines

* Clear goal-setting and regular check-ups

* "Quick Support" via WhatsApp


"Mama gets fit & healthy"

Your 1:1 Personal Training for mothers,

mindset coaching and nutrition

Yoga in der Natur
Gesunder Salat


* become fit and strong

* achieve your fitness body and feel comfortable

* stay committed and achieve success

* train effectively and integrate into your daily life

* have a healthy, easy-to-implement fitness routine

* have a simple fitness and nutrition routine

* effortlessly maintain a healthy and balanced diet

* have a variety of time-saving, healthy recipes

* make smart decisions at the supermarket and when preparing meal

Your support:

*Effective workouts tailored to your mom life

* Personalized workout plans and videos

* Building helpful fitness routines

* goal-setting and regular check-ups

* "Quick Support" via WhatsApp

* Individualized nutrition counseling and implementation in family life

* Healthy, time-saving nutrition and recipe guide

*Meal prep for the office 


What to expect:

Assessment and goal setting

Anamnese und Zielsetzung

We begin with an assessment of your current fitness level, well-being and life situation, establishing clear fitness goals on a realistic timeline.

Based on this assessment, I'll design future workouts and coaching sessions tailored to your goals and daily life.

For the "Mama Gets Fit & Healthy" program, I'll also check your eating habits and routines and design a suitable dietary plan for your daily life.

mindset coaching

Mindset Coaching

A strong mindset and time-efficient daily routines are the keys to success for a fit and healthy life.

Because what you do every day defines you.

That's why we focus on mindset work 

A strong mindset and helpful routines enable you to stay committed long-term, overcome obstacles, and achieve your fitness and nutrition goals.

Together, we work on enhancing your mindset and integrating daily routines for lasting success


Personal Training for mothers

Personal Training

Together, we start with effective postnatal personal training for mothers, tailored to your goals and your body after pregnancy. This often involves a combination of strength and endurance exercises, as well as strengthening your core and pelvic floor.

We train when and where it suits you best. Your baby is welcome to join us.

We train together once a week

and you'll also receive workout plans and videos tailored to you and your daily life, so you can flexibly train at home as well.

Your workouts and plans will be regularly adjusted to promote your progress.

process monitoring


Regular check-up appointments are scheduled, where we do measurements and discuss the implementation in your daily life.

The measurements are aimed at tracking your progress and consist of body measurements and photos, allowing you to perceive the changes in your body.

Additionally, I'm available for regular "Quick Support" via WhatsApp for any questions you may have, ensuring you can stay on track consistently.

additional focus of:

"mama gets fit & healthy":

nutrition counseling


At the beginning, you'll receive essential nutrition basics so you understand why you're eating certain foods and which ones improve your health and energy levels.

Main focus is to implementing these basics into your family life, as that's often the biggest challenge.

We create quick and healthy recipes that not only promote your fitness and health but also that of your family.

These recipes are designed with the following priorities: simple, delicious, family-friendly and quick to prepare.

You'll develop a holistic, long-term approach to nutrition, make the right decisions at the supermarket and prepare balanced, healthy meals.

You'll learn about the 80/20 method to establish new eating habits in the long run

Your benefits from "mama gets fit /& healthy" program:

You'll become fit, healthy, strong and energized

You will have a healthy eating routine that you can easily integrate and maintain in your daily life.

You stay motivated and
achieve results

You will have a healthy, active lifestyle and take good care of yourself

You take time for yourself and enhance your well-being

You will have more energy
in your daily life 


Are you ready to get started and achieve your fitness goals?

Secure your free initial consultation today. 

Q &A s:


You can customize the Mom Fitness Package according to your preferred training frequency.
If you prefer to train independently, I'll provide you with suitable training plans and monthly 1:1 sessions. If you'd rather train together, I'll support you with weekly 1:1 sessions.

Book your free initial consultation and we'll figure out what works best for you.

classic package (3 month)

"Mama gets fit"

Duration: 3 month


 1:1 Personal Training (60 min)

monthly or weekly training option

3x personalized training plans 3x workout videos

1x mindset coaching (60 min.)

4x progress assessments

6x quick support

via WhatsApp

price on demand

depending on how often you train

"Mama gets fit & healthy"

Duration: 3 month


 1:1 Personal Training (60 min)

monthly or weekly training option

3x personalized training plans 3x workout videos

1x mindset coaching (60 min.)

4x progress assessments

6x quick support

via WhatsApp

2x nutrition counseling

(60 min.)

1x recipe guide

1x individual meal plan

price on demand

depending on how often you train

Preis abhängig von Trainingshäufigkeit:

Option A (1h/ Woche)

Option B (2h/ Woche)

Fitness im Freien

Do you have any questions about the Mama Fitness offers?

Then book your free initial consultation now, where we can get to know each other and discuss your questions.

Fitness Class

Mama fit class

Are you also interested in Mama fit classes?

Check out my current classes in Frankfurt and online. 

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